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Everything, everything you will know everything about hummus!

He travels the culinary world through preparations as diverse as they are succulent, he floods social networks with his exotic perfume, he is on the lips of all the great chefs and the web even appropriates all the wonders. Let's discover together the incredible history of hummus in this new article available on the libshop blog!

Hummus, this typical recipe that comes to us from the Middle East, is a popular dish that is worth trying.

Hummus: quesaco?

Hummus or hummus is an Arabic word meaning “chickpea”. The dish that bears the same name is a typical culinary preparation of Lebanese cuisine prepared with chickpeas and sesame puree called "tahine". With a particularly creamy appearance, hummus is a kind of mash topped with garlic, lemon, olive oil and cumin, according to taste.

Very easy to prepare at home, hummus is also available commercially in the form of a spread, often served with pita bread, sticks of raw vegetables or even blinis.


A legendary dish

Hummus is a dish that has come a long way. The legend even speaks of a dish that dates back to Mesopotamia in the 8th century BC. A dish that great philosophers like Plato and Socrates already loved at the time for its undeniable nutritional qualities. The hummus recipe that includes the addition of sesame puree or spices is, on the other hand, a more recent form that originated in the regions of the Ottoman Empire.

all about hummus

Today, several countries dispute the paternity of this preparation: Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Greece, Syria, Egypt, Turkey and Jordan. But that in no way prevents hummus from roaming all the tables in the world: from the Middle East to Greece, via the Mediterranean, England and even France.

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A very nutritious dish

For what it contains – garlic, chickpeas, lemon, sesame cream and cumin, hummus has it all. It is also one of the dishes most recommended by nutritionists and doctors for its high protein content. A real healthy ally for people who follow a slimming diet, hummus has the particularity of calming cravings and reducing cholesterol levels.

Some specialists even suggest hummus to prevent colorectal cancers. Also rich in iron and vitamin C, this dish is ideal for recharging your energy during the day. And remember, the main benefits of hummus lie in its main ingredient: chickpeas and sesame seeds. Two foods rich in complex carbohydrates, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber and magnesium.

How to eat and appreciate the taste of hummus at its true value?

The real advantage of hummus is that it can be declined in several flavors for the pleasure of your taste buds. If the base remains the same (chickpeas, sesame or tahina puree, lemon juice, garlic and olive oil), the variations are multiple according to tastes and
colours: cumin, paprika, fresh herbs and many more...

As an accompaniment, you can opt for vegetable dips (carrots, cucumbers and why not radishes or green beans), toast, pitas, pancakes or blinis.

At Libshop, hummus is eaten with its Lebanese bread, and with why not minifels, these little falafels from Libshop.


The new culinary trend to adopt

With some 1.3 million publications with the hashtag #hummus #hummus on Instagram, a first festival celebrated in the city of Manchester at the beginning of March, and a consumption record among the British, hummus is quite simply the new star of food in adopt.

Easy to make and practical to take away, hummus is a dish that has conquered both the Middle East, where it is a traditional dish, and Western countries, where it is eaten with friends as an aperitif, or in fast food restaurants for a snack. healthy and energetic.

And then rest assured, you are not alone in this hummus addiction. To find your co-dependents, take a look on social networks, such as Twitter or Instagram, and you will see that this addiction is almost global. And if we notice you
teasing about your new culinary habit, tell yourself that even your favorite stars are also fans of this recipe: Nathalie Portman, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga…

An easy to prepare recipe

Tasting fresh hummus in a well-known restaurant is certainly a great experience to be shared with friends. But preparing your own food at home is largely possible. Tent ? Follow the leader !

  • Take 250 g of dehydrated chickpeas, 300 g of fresh broad beans, 1 spoon of ground cumin, 4 cloves of garlic, half a spoon of salt, the juice of one lemon and 150 g of sesame puree (tahini).
  • Soak the chickpeas in a bowl overnight. The next day, rinse them and cook them in a pan of simmering water for 60 minutes.
  • Cook the beans for 5 minutes in a pan of salted boiling water. Drain, and mix them with the chickpeas.
  • Mix the garlic with the salt and the lemon juice. Strain this puree and add the cumin and tahini.
  • Add 12 cl of cold water to this mixture while whisking.
  • Finally, add the mixture of beans and chickpeas and continue to mix everything.

For the basic recipe, you can decorate your dish with a handful of pine nuts and a sprig of chopped parsley. For more originality, add a grated lemon zest and coriander. The more adventurous can also try the beetroot hummus or the tuna in oil option.

At Libshop, hummus is of course personalized and revisited by our chef to offer you a unique and unforgettable product.

Hummus, a vegetarian dish?

If someone dares to tell you otherwise, you will now be able to say that “yes, hummus is a 100% vegetarian recipe”. Moreover, as you will have understood, hummus which is made from legumes is a nutritious and gluten-free dish (to be eaten without bread), both healthy and satisfying.

Benefits for the whole family

Chickpea, the main ingredient of hummus, is a legume that will provide you with vegetable proteins. Without bad fat, this energy intake promotes muscle growth and helps regulate the sugar balance.

Ideal for people who want to control their weight, vegetable proteins are rich in fiber, magnesium and calcium to remedy excessive snacking.

Hummus is rich:

  • in vegetable proteins (8%),
  • in complex carbohydrates (10 to 20% depending on the recipe) to provide the essential energy the body needs over the long term.
  • fiber (5%) for a satiating effect from the first spoonfuls, also helping to regulate intestinal transit.
  • in lipids (20% depending on the amount of sesame paste and olive oil added) with in particular monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, ensuring optimal protection against cardiovascular diseases.

According to an Australian study, chickpea consumption also reduces cholesterol and the risk of colorectal cancer. In short, in conclusion, hummus is a healthy and nutritious mezze. So why wait? Don't hesitate to come to Libshop for a healthy and tasty experience!

Picture of Ziyad
Co-founder of Libshop, nutrition enthusiast and digital explorer!

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One Response

  1. You guys are awesome, hummus is awesome, life is awesome. Love the hummus, love the life!!!!

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