The Libshop Blog

HEALTH: what are the best foods for the winter season?

After the end of summer, as autumn begins and winter approaches, our body faces several problems: the decrease in temperature (and the need for more energy for the body to maintain body temperature), there decreased vitamin D levels (from the sun), the arrival of winter illnesses, increased sedentary lifestyle, decreased exposure to light, and decreased mood and morale, and possibly libido.

So many issues that we must try to compensate for with an optimal diet. Winter is therefore the opportunity to adapt your diet in order to respect the seasons, especially in terms of vegetables.

And that's good, nature has provided us for the winter vegetables more energetic than in summer, and less fruit – therefore less fast sugars and fructoseand these vegetables are supposed to provide us with the right amount of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates with more beneficial consequences for the body than sugars from fruits, because they are slow sugars which will be digested more slowly by the body , and which will have less impact on blood sugar levels.

In addition to green vegetables which are welcome all year round, winter is particularly an opportunity to eat tuber vegetables which are vegetable plants whose outgrowth of the underground stem constitutes the tuber, and this tuber serves as a nutrient reserve for the plant. This is the reason why these vegetables are rich in starch, that is to say in carbohydrates (which are sugars, but a majority of slow sugars in this specific case).

In this family of vegetables, we find carrots, radishes, turnips, Jerusalem artichokes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips, but also leeks, fennel, onions, etc.

So many foods which are among the healthiest, and which are particularly consumed in the Mediterranean diet.

Winter is also an opportunity to put fatty meats and small fatty fish, full of omega-3 and vitamin D, back in the spotlight from time to time, and finally to continue your consumption of legumes, animal proteins and possibly quality starchy foods such as basmati rice or semi-complete rice.

In short, contrary to popular belief, it is precisely in winter that we should have the “cleanest” diet, because even if we do not tend to want to lose weight during this season, it is during this period that the organism is most exposed.

That’s good, we talk about it in the new nutrition video…

Picture of Ziyad


Co-founder of Libshop, nutrition enthusiast and digital explorer!

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