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The 4 best spots for oriental pastries in Paris

As it's the holiday season, we have unearthed the 4 best tested and validated spots for you to taste delicious oriental sweets in Paris. What to make a good impression with exotic pastries and more original than usual. Success guaranteed!

Maison Aleph, the classiest

These Levantine/Syrian-inspired pastries are the perfect synthesis between oriental know-how and French subtlety.

We tested: the pistachio log and the bird's nests (a killer).

We would like to try: the famous knefeh and their galette des rois!

Laouz, Algerian excellence

With Laouz, head for Algeria, and its delicious sweets with dates, almonds, honey and ancestral spices.

We tested: the makrout, the dziriette, the cones (the tea-matcha is incredible), and the aumonières (exquisite and subtle), the kelb-elouz, the raspberry-lychee flower…

We would like to try: the yuzu-ginger clover, the mint-chocolate flower and the almond baklawa.

Kenza's most famous ring

La Bague de Kenza is the Parisian benchmark for oriental and Algerian pastries. The historic shop in eastern Paris opened its doors in 1993, and continues to delight sweet palates in search of North African sweets.

We tested: the cigar, the pistachio cone (mmhh), the strawberry dziriatte, and the golden finger.

We would like to try: the pistachio tie, the pistachio ghribia and the almond cone.

Maison Hallab, the most Lebanese

The famous Lebanese pastry chef from Tripoli is one of the most famous pastry chefs in the Middle East. Recently installed in Paris, you will find in this first Parisian boutique of the brand the legendary sweet Lebanese products!

We tested: the knefeh, the namoura, and the kashtas.

We would like to test: everything else!

And you, do you know of any other good addresses? Feel free to share them in the comments!

Picture of Ziyad


Co-founder of Libshop, nutrition enthusiast and digital explorer!

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4 Responses

  1. Good morning,

    Thank you for this interesting article.

    A typographical error to report and therefore to correct in this case:
    […]We tested: the (instead of “the”) pistachio log and the bird’s nests (a killer).[…]

    Best regards,


  2. Hi! I am Maamoun one of the owners of Maison Hallab at the opera house. Thank you so much for putting us on your list, we appreciate it. I just wanted to say that the Instagram connected to our page is not correct. Our account is @maisonhallab, not Hallab 1881. Thanks again!

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