Libshop Travel Guide

The Ultimate Guide to Visiting Lebanon✈️

The nature reserve of the Palm Islands

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Declared a nature reserve and protected since 1995, the Palm Islands constitute, with Sanani Island and Ramkine Island, a real shelter for many endangered species. Located about 5.5 km northwest of the city of Tripoli, these islands are worth a visit during your next vacation in Lebanon.

Palm Island Nature Reserve is the only chain of islands in Lebanon that fills up with day-trippers every year. Located just an hour by small fishing boat, this idyllic island stands out for its magnificent public beach and its protected nature reserve which is mainly home to sea turtles as well as exceptional marine fauna.

Other species, globally threatened with extinction, also find refuge on this island. This is particularly the case for the Audoin's gull, the Dalmatian pelican and the corncrake.

Designated "Particularly Protected Mediterranean Area" by the Barcelona Convention and also "Wetland of International Importance" by the Ramsar Convention, the Ile des Palmiers nature reserve has a great biotic diversity and favorable climatic conditions for survival. and/or the reproduction of some 156 species of resident and migratory birds, including rare and endangered species.

Ile du Palmier is also a popular beach destination for its turquoise and clear water. Swimming enthusiasts and divers meet there in all seasons to explore an accessible seabed down to its rocky bottom. The beach, itself made of fine white sand, is a place of relaxation with healing properties for people suffering from arthritis and rheumatism.

But this beach, which has remained in its natural state, is also a very popular meeting place for kitesurfing enthusiasts, including a large number of locals. Their waterfalls enliven bathers who also marvel at their courage to carve relentless waves off the island's coast. It is this very different atmosphere of the Lebanese capital that appeals to visitors.

Picture of Ziyad


Co-founder of Libshop, nutrition enthusiast and digital explorer!

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