The Libshop Blog

With Libshop, enjoy a free week at Orange Bleue Paris Les Halles, your future favorite fitness room!

“We all need a coach! », chants the slogan of L’Orange Bleue. And this exclusive promo that we wanted to share with you should probably convince you 🙂

It's been more than a month since new fitness room opened its doors just opposite the Libshop Etienne Marcel, rue Saint-Denis. She responds to the name of Blue Orange, a concept of premium gym which has almost 400 theaters in France and more than forty in Île-de-France 😮

Suddenly, at Libshop, we no longer have any excuse not to burn calories! So we went to test this new concept, freshly arrived in Paris, and we must admit that we were won over. 🤩

On the menu : free weight training, state-of-the-art guided machines, group classes, qualified coaches and an innovative training concept provided by a coach and called “Yako360” that I personally had the opportunity to try, and believe me, it was heavy 💪

The concept Blue Orange my Fitness Coach is very different from other Parisian sports halls. Here, the atmosphere is downright friendly, with a plethora of group classes and super friendly qualified coaches overflowing with communicative energy 🙌

Personally, I decided to register for the year, and I took the opportunity to take a few photos to show you what the machines available at Blue Orange Paris Les Halles :

In addition to the Yako 360 concept, Blue Orange Paris Les Halles also offers courses such as Yako Attitude (muscle strengthening), Yako Baila (dance), Yako Biking, Yako Jump, and many others… Always in a supercharged and motivating atmosphere 🔥

Moreover, you will find the course schedule directly by following this link!

In short, you will have understood, in addition to the classic services offered by fitness rooms, Orange Bleue stands out with a real social and motivating atmosphere. So, you will no longer drag your feet to train 🏋️

And since we're not bad guys, we said to ourselves with the Orange Bleue staff that it would be nice to let you benefit from a free week of trial, without any subscription obligation 🏷️

It must be said that the Libshop concept, which aims to healthy, dietary and 100% healthy, goes perfectly with a certain lifestyle and the practice of a sporting activity. In Libshop kitchens, we do not rely on the key principles of the Mediterranean diet – one of the two healthiest eating habits in the world – for nothing!

As true food, wellness and sport enthusiasts, so we wanted you to benefit from this totally free discovery week. To do this, you simply need to subscribe to the Libshop newsletter (nutrition, health advice, and promotional codes once a month) in order to receive the L’Orange Bleue discovery pass by email (unsubscribe possible in one click, if ever!):

Once you have completed this form, you will receive the promo code by email, to be presented directly to reception Blue Orange Paris Les Halles to start your free week. In which case we might have the opportunity to meet there!

Please note, you have until the end of February 2020 to take advantage of this offer 😉

Please note that people who have already subscribed to the libshop newsletter will obviously receive the promo code by email, no need to subscribe twice!

And don't forget to do full of healthy legumes, quality proteins and good lipids at Libshop, your nutritional asset for physical and brain activity 🥬

To do this, go to our shops, or for delivery on or on the LIBSHOP application available on Play Store and the App Store!

Picture of Ziyad


Co-founder of Libshop, nutrition enthusiast and digital explorer!

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