Do you know Beirut's Arts District? A rather chic residential district which is located on the south-eastern outskirts of the City Center, and which bears the pretty name of Saifi. Bordered to the south by rue Charles Debbas, to the north by rue Gouraud, to the west by rue Ariss & Kanaani and to the east by rue George, the village of Saifi is a district that is enriched by its history. post war. Entirely rebuilt since then, it attracts the curiosity of many visitors from all over the world…including you.
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The Village of Saifi takes its name from the Arabic word "summer", the beautiful season to discover the country in all its splendour. Built in the late 90s, it is part of one of Solidere's pilot residential projects.
At first glance, this village looks a lot like a small semi-private complex nestled in the heart of Beirut, with its particularly neat urban amenities.
The village of Saifi is nicknamed Quartier des Arts thanks to its many art galleries, craft shops, antique shops and specialty shops.
But this district also knows a real animation every Saturday morning thanks to the small shops of the farmers who come to sell their fresh organic products.
You will also find other products in Souk el Tayeb, another very lively little square in the village.